Tax Reform or Tax Scam: You be the Judge!



• A number of major provisions in TCJA are scheduled to expire over the next eight years.  In 2025, most of the individual income tax changes in TCJA are set to expire. 

The reduction of individual income tax rates will expire

After the end of 2025

The increase in the standard deduction, elimination of the personal exemption, and doubling of the child tax credit will expire

After the end of 2025

Limits on the state and local tax deduction and the mortgage interest deduction will expire

After the end of 2025

The reduction of the alternative minimum tax will expire

After the end of 2025

The reduction of the estate tax will expire

After the end of 2025


• In 2021 and 2022, several policy changes are scheduled to take place which would raise taxes on U.S. business investment. 

Businesses will be required to deduct research and experimentation costs over five years, rather than immediately

After the end of 2021

The deduction for business net interest expense will be limited to 30% of EBIT, rather than 30% of EBITDA

After the end of 2021

Full expensing for short-life business investments will begin phasing out

After the end of 2022

EBIT (“earnings before interest, taxes”)

EBITDA (“earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization”)


• In 2025, two more policy changes are scheduled to take place which would raise taxes on U.S. businesses.

The newly created pass-through deduction (§199A) will expire

After the end of 2025

Three international-related provisions (GILTI, FDII, and BEAT) will become more restrictive

After the end of 2025

GILTI (the inclusion of “global intangible low-taxed income”)

FDII (“foreign derived intangible income”)

BEAT (the “base erosion and anti-abuse tax”)


•There’s more work to be done to improve the U.S. tax code.

........................... UNDERSTATEMENT OF 2018


Question: “Is there anyone in the room who thinks this is real tax reform?”


The answer to all of this dilemma is to Pass the FAIRtax! 


Tax Reform Isn’t Done

Scott Greenberg

March 8, 2018